The Story of Sisasenkosi and a Prayer Request | - Zazzy Bandz

The Story of Sisasenkosi and a Prayer Request |

Peniel Centre staff members and children are more than grateful to you for all the support that you are rendering to the children. Your support is undoubtedly going a long way in improving the quality of life of these children as well as creating a brighter future for them.

Through your support, these glorious children can go to school like any other children from society. If it had not been for your support, they could be roaming around the streets of Bulawayo doing nothing or involved in various criminal activities. All of our Peniel children are in school and some of them were in school this past holiday getting ready to write their public exams by the end of the year.

For the children not in school over the holiday, we took this time to teach them agricultural skills. We thank God that some of them took a real interest in agriculture and therefore helped us during the holiday. We grew different kinds of vegetables like rape, chomoiller, and onion.

Two of our girls, Sisasenkosi and Nqobile, are currently on a school trip around Zimbabwe. If it had not been for your support, these girls could not be on this trip. The trip is meant to enhance their understanding of geography and was organized by the department of geography at their school.

Sisasenkosi (pictured within) came to be part of Peniel Centre soon after the death of her mother. The mother hanged herself after the husband deserted her and went to South Africa to look for employment. Then, the husband disappeared into thin air in South Africa, which eventually led the wife to commit suicide leaving this girl homeless without anyone to look after her. Thank God for Peniel Centre where she found a home, family and now has hope for her future. Vulnerable children are being rescued due to your support.


The economic situation in Zimbabwe is so bad that the prices of goods and services are not stable. The prices change daily. Some of the commodities are scarce at the moment in Zimbabwe. This always forces us to go to Botswana to buy things like toiletries which are either scarce or very expensive in Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe is currently experiencing drought, which has left many boreholes dry. Here at Peniel Centre, we have two boreholes and they are drying up slowly and this is posing a great threat to the orphanage, please pray for a miracle.  If our boreholes dry up, we will not have water for drinking or water for our gardens and cattle. We need your prayers.

Please pray that all the children obtain the knowledge received here at Peniel which will provide them with a good future. At the beginning of October, a few of them are going to write public exams, so please pray for them as well.

With much gratitude

Gideon & Jennifer (caretakers for Peniel children)

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